Sunday, November 3, 2013

Come and Take It flag

Hi, kids!

My family and I drove out to Wimberley yesterday to see their Market Days. Once a month they gather hundreds of vendors who sell all sorts of neat stuff. We picked up some cool stuff. I finally picked up a Come and Take It flag.
Here I am in my backyard with Andrew and a couple of neighbor friends. I think I described the story to the flag before. It refers to the Texas fight for independence from Mexico in the early 1800s. There is a town nearby Austin called Gonzalez where there was a Mexican army outpost, and included in part of the armory was a single cannon. Well the Texican (what they called the Texans back then) townspeople rebelled against the Mexican army, and actually dared the Mexican army to try to take back the town and it's cannon. The Texicans famously and defiantly said, "Come and Take It"!

Texas went on to successfully win its independence, and for a few years in the 1830s was actually an independent republic. Texas later joined the United States and in 1845 became the 28th U.S. state. There is still fierce price in the independence of Texas!

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