Monday, April 7, 2014

New York Strip Steak!

Hi, friends!

We had a special treat last Friday. I had finished two of my Star tests earlier in the week and my parents wanted to celebrate for me. Let me tell you about the Star tests we have here in Texas. The tests take not only four (!) hours each, but we have two days of tests! I finished the writing component, and next week we move onto math and reading. All I'm saying is that I'm a fourth-grader and we have tests as long as my dad said he had in graduate school!

So back to our barbecue. We picked up some of my favorite steaks, New York Strips. Here they look as I was starting to prepare them:

These steaks can taste so good, as long as you keep the fundamentals just right. The thickness of the steaks is one important variable. I had these steaks cut one and a quarter inch thick. A thin steak will just cook through too quickly and lose its tenderness.

You don't have to fancy the steaks. All you need is good salt and pepper and olive oil. Here's how the steaks look after I applied the rub:

You have to make sure the grill is good and hot. We got the grill to approximately 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then I was ready to put the steaks on the grill. You can see a few of my friends came to join me by now:
Timing is another important variable. Because of the thickness of these steaks, I knew I should grill them no more than six minutes per side. Any longer than that I could run the risk of overcooking and drying out the steaks.
At just under twelve minutes I pulled the steaks off the grill and brought them inside the kitchen. I let them rest a few minutes (the steak continues to cook and the juices flow evenly throughout the meat). Now I was ready to slice the steaks:
How does it look to you? It was awesome!
Come and Take It!

Your friend,


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