Sunday, March 23, 2014

Raising my Ebeneezer!

Hi, friends:

How many of you have ever heard the church hymn, Come Thou Found of Every Blessing? In the song there is a verse where it says in part, I raise my Ebeneezer.

Well when I first heard the hymn I didn't quite know what the writer meant. How many of you know what Ebeneezer means? All I'm saying is that I'm in 4th grade and how should I know? That's a pretty advanced word and I can say for sure that it hasn't appeared in any of my AR spelling tests!

Well I finally found out what Ebeneezer means only a few weeks ago when my pastor at church used the word in a sermon. A synonym for Ebeneezer would be cairn. Does that make it any more clear? Well the word Ebeneezer means a physical marker that you would use to guide your way. Think of it as if you were hiking and you didn't know exactly how you were going to get to where you needed to be. What you would do is look for a marker -- an Ebeneezer -- to guide you and direct your path.

Ebeneezers -- or cairns -- are constructed along hiking trails so as to be markers for you to follow, even if you don't have fancy technology to help you find you way.

Well yesterday I went for a hike together with a few friends and dads from church. We hiked along Barton Creek here in Austin. Because we haven't had much rain lately the creek was fully dry, but the bed of the creek was full of cool stones in all shapes and sizes. Well of course we had to take the opportunity to raise our own Ebeneezer. Here we are:
I wish you could have joined us on our hike. You would have enjoyed the fresh air and the get scenery as well as making an Ebeneezer with us!

But for this time I'd say, don't come and take it. We all need our Ebeneezers as markers from God to guide us at school and in our other involvements like our neighborhood (and for our parents needing guidance at work and home!).

See you soon my friends.


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