Thursday, March 13, 2014

back to some great ribs!

Dear friends:

This week is spring break here in Texas. So me and my brother have been out of school and playing around the neighborhood with our friends.

Of course we had to barbecue! Today I wanted to smoke some ribs that we had in the 'fridge. This time I made a new rub, a Memphis, Tennessee-style rub. Here I am putting together the rub ingredients:
Then I got the charcoal ready. I made sure to keep the temperature between 200 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Finally the charcoal was hot enough:
How does that look?
I left the ribs on the grill for a very long time, almost five and a half hours. Sometimes I've put ribs on for as short as four hours. Wow the ribs turned out so tender! I put so much spice rub on the ribs that they turned out a little too spicey however.

Y'all are welcome to Come and Take It!


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