Thursday, March 13, 2014

San Francisco!

Dear friends:

Over the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. my family went to visit some friends in San Francisco. I had never been there before, so I was so excited for the trip! The friends were new to me, but my dad knew them. My dad and the other dad were roommates in university, and they were looking forward to catching up after all these years. Meanwhile my brother and me were looking forward to making new friends with their two children.

And what a great time we had! Our friends showed us all around San Francisco. And you can believe we ate some really yummy food!

Here we are on the airplane getting ready to leave Austin for San Francisco. Thumbs up! For those of you who might never have been on a plane before, it's really cool. You go something like 500 miles an hour and you fly above the clouds. Way cool.

We got to San Francisco and hit the ground running. We immediately went to the city park and explored.
We found a great museum and would you believe they had a snow display outside? I've played in the snow before, but it's a rare day in Texas that we see snow. I couldn't help myself in trying to start a snow-ball fight!
Next we found an impressive Japanese garden. I have two cousins who live in Japan and I'm thinking they would find this garden just like at home. Beautiful!
We then took off and went to drive to our friend's home. On the way we stopped at an overlook park where we could see the whole city. Check it out!
We then met up with our friends. I'll share some of those photos in my next post!

Your friend,


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