Thursday, March 13, 2014


Dear friends:

While we were in California we wanted to explore a little bit. So me and my family rented a car to drive down the coast, on a famous route called the Pacific Coast Highway. What a beautiful drive! Check out the scenery:
Of course me and my brother had to climb around the rocks:

We went to a small city called Monterey. You may have heard of it before. There's a famous American author named John Steinbeck who wrote a novel about Monterey called Cannery Row (Steinbeck is maybe more famous for another one of his novels, The Grapes of Wrath). Your and my grandparents might appreciate his description of the Great Depression that took place in the 1930s.

While in Monterey we visited their great aquarium, located in a former fish canning factory (hence Cannery Row). Here I am checking out the marine wildlife that fills the bay that surrounds Monterey:
  After a little while in Monterey we kept on driving to the next village, Carmel. Wow what a great little town and an amazing beach!

More in the next post.

Your friend,


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