Sunday, March 23, 2014


Hi, friends!

So my mom sometimes says that eating too much red meat isn't so good. So as much as I love traditional barbeque like brisket and ribs -- not to mention steak -- I have to try different things. Last weekend we had some fantastic ribs, and next weekend we're planning to have hamburgers and hot dogs on a camping trip we have planned with our scout pack. So this weekend we tried the Cornish hen, and then some salmon.

I've tried to barbecue fish before. You might have seen my earlier post on the Drum fish. That was a bit of hard work -- you try working with a 7 pound fish! -- and this time I had a salmon fish to work with. I thought to keep the rub simple again, just some salt and pepper, with lemon juice and olive oil (the same as I put on yesterday's Cornish hen).

Here's me getting the salmon ready for the grill:
And here I am getting it on the grill:
And the finished product:
It was pretty good. Fish is good on the barbecue, and you can both smoke it as well as grill it. I was technically grilling the salmon. With some rice and caesar salad that my dad made up (from scratch!) it turned out to be a great supper.

Come and Take It!

Your friend,


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