Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Great ribs & Peri Peri chicken

Hi, kids!

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty much a fun time. We had a party in our neighborhood on Friday night to celebrate a neighbor's birthday. There was a jumping castle and even Halloween movies. Basically we ran around the cul-de-sac with all our friends and exhausted ourselves!

Saturday my dad woke me and Andrew up real early. We had to leave for church at 6:30 am to help make breakfast for our All Pro Dad's event. It was great! I made some really crispy bacon again while my dad made the pancakes (with chocolate chips mixed in!). Pastor Ted organized some neat activities for us to do, focusing on putting together small bags stuffed with everyday supplies that we can give away to homeless people we meet here in Austin. That was pretty fun and a good learning lesson of finding ways to help out those not as fortunate as we are.

We got home from our All Pro Dad's breakfast and then turned out attention to preparing our barbecue. Some great friends were going to join us for supper! I had my neighbor Campbell come over to help me get the rub and ribs ready. Here we are prepping our supplies:

Campbell had never helped me before, so that was fun showing him how to get the ribs ready. He was a great help!

Then I had to go get my dad and get the charcoal and wood set for the grill. We waited for the grill to get good and hot, about 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Then the grill was ready for the ribs!

My dad kept an eye on the ribs for the afternoon while I went and ran around some more. After about six hours the ribs were ready to be pulled off the grill and eat! Here I am checking out the ribs. Notice my tiny grill. Tell me if you don't think me and my dad need to get a real pit about twice if not three times as big!

One of my longest friends, Marc, and his family came over for supper. Here we are appreciating the barbecue ready to eat! It was great inviting friends over to enjoy some of the most favorite barbecue I like to smoke.

We had those yummy ribs, and we also had some of my dad's favorite chicken, using that Peri Peri marinade recipe that he found while in Africa. The chicken turned out great too! We had so much for leftovers that Mom made a terrific soup with the chicken. I think she could be a restaurant chef with that soup. We'd call it: Smoked Peri Peri Chicken Tortilla soup. How does that sound? Come and Take it!

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