Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Garner State Park camping!

Hi, kids!

It's mid-week -- how has your week of school been? Mine has been good, and full of activities. After school and besides homework, I had two scouting meetings to go to. Last night was my own Webelos scout den's meeting where we learned about engineering and making electrical circuits. That was cool and was led by another scout's dad who is a real smart chemical engineer. Tonight was my brother Andrew's wolf den meeting and we learned about bicycle safety from another scout's dad who loves to bike. I'm helping my mom and dad lead Andrew's den, so in a way I get to be their den's den chief. That is a great responsibility for me!

Here I am in my scout uniform:

My family is excited for the upcoming weekend, because we get to go camping! We're going to one of the best state parks in all of Texas -- at least that is what I've heard, but I'll have to find out for myself. This will be our first time going to Garner State Park. It is on the Frio River in what we call the Texas Hill Country (it is a part of Texas that has real hills!). With all the rain we've had lately, the river should be flowing, and the trees and grass should be soft and green. It could be a perfect weekend! Of course we plan to grill while we're there. My dad is talking about a special treat of grilling one of my favorites: steak! Mom has already picked up ingredients for making 'smores. What can be better than going camping, going hiking in the woods, seeing the stars and hearing nothing but nature, and grilling meat and 'smores around the fire?

Wish you could come camping with us! I'll give you the update from Garner State Park.

Your friend,


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