Saturday, September 7, 2013

After bbq report: Mmm good

Hi, kids:

I spent the later afternoon and evening swimming, playing, barbecuing and eating! What's better than that? We first went to the neighborhood swimming pool to cool off from our 90+ degree heat here in Austin. Then we got home and my dad and I lit the charcoal. Dad had some oak wood ready to add to the charcoal as well.

I longingly call what I have a pit, but to a real pitmaster that's stretching the truth. It's a teensy-weensy grill but I am able to fit enough meat for our family. If you my new friends Come and Take It, I really need to hurry up and get a new & bigger pit!

I put the caribbean jerk rub on the chicken first, then placed it on the grill, away from the heat of the charcoal. I let it stay there a good couple of hours. Towards the end I put the corn, keeping it in its husk, on the grill and over the heat. Last came the Red Snapper -- also rubbed down with the spicy rub I made up this afternoon.

While all that was grilling and smoking I hung out with my neighborhood of friends. It looked like we were going to get a storm -- there was some good thunder and a few lightning bolts. We climbed our backyard tree and hoped to miss any lightning coming our way!

It was kinda hard keeping track of my friends and my bbq all at the same time! Luckily I had my dad to help. He was content watching and listening to Johnny Cash.

I pulled off the chicken, fish, and corn after about 2 & a half hours. My dad made up the mashed potatoes, and spiced them up in a few spoonfuls of the Caribbean rub I put on the meat. That tasted good!

I have some leftover chicken -- sorry we had to eat all the fish on you. So y'all are welcome to Come & Take It!

See you at my pit again soon.



  1. James, your blog looks great! We can't wait to try your cooking sometime!
    Alan, Etsuko and Owen

    1. Dear Uncle Alan, Aunt Etsuko and cousin Owen:

      Thanks! I hope you like bbq because I sure do! I can't wait for you to come visit again! It will be a yummy visit!

