Saturday, September 7, 2013

BBQ -- Come and Take It!

Hi, kids!

My names is James and I'm a 9 year old fourth-grader in Austin, Texas. Here I am in front of my official Texas flag that I received for my birthday. It was flown over the Texas State Capitol. My brother and neighbors are my bbq deputies!

I have been watching and helping my dad with barbecue at home. Now I want to be the pitmaster!

I love to grill steak, and eat ribs and brisket and all sorts of food you put on the bbq pit. I am learning the difference between grilling and barbecuing. In some parts of the country I might call putting a steak over the flame barbecuing. But here in Texas that is called grilling! Barbecuing means getting the grill out and putting the meat on for a long time. It is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!

Today I helped my dad prepare chicken and Red Snapper fish that we will put on the pit for supper. I made a Caribbean jerk rub that I'll put on the chicken and fish. I think we'll have some fresh corn and mashed potatoes.

I'll let you know how the bbq chicken and fish turn out! Come and Take It -- my bbq!



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