Monday, September 23, 2013

Longhorn Caverns & Inks Lake

Hi, kids!

How was your weekend? Mine was a blast. Would you believe we finally got rain in Texas? We got a deluge all Friday long. And what it did was clean up the air and cool things down. It's like a bit of fall weather now -- I'm so glad!

Mom had a great time at her church Pilgrimage retreat at a place called Camp Buckner, in the Texas Hill country near Marble Falls. We went there Saturday afternoon to surprise her, joining some other families and friends to tell all the parents how great they are!

Along the way we decided to explore a bit of the Hill country. So my dad, my brother Andrew and I piled in the car and off we went. First we stopped at Longhorn Cavern State Park. Here you can see me and Andrew on top of the sign at the entrance to the park. 

You can see how blue the sky was! We had a great picnic -- some leftover pizza that my dad grilled on our bbq for Friday night's supper. Dad picked up some of the best chips ever: Zapp's Voodoo chips all the way from Louisiana. Kids, if you haven't tried those yet, go get them!

While we were having our picnic, my brother Andrew went off exploring. Guess what he found? An observation tower built in 1935! It was built under a government program called the Civilian Conservation Corps, and they built all sorts of neat places like parks that we can explore.

We climbed up to the top of the observation tower and we could see forever! The sky was so blue and the trees so green! All the rain the day before made it magical.

Behind me and Andrew on the horizon is Inks Lake. Behind my right shoulder in the clearing of trees is Camp Buckner where Mom spent the weekend. On the horizon behind Andrew's left shoulder is a castle -- would you believe we have a castle in Texas?

We climbed down the tower and then hiked around the woods. I found a neat bench made of Cedar trees.

Then we discovered a pretty thicket of oak woods -- Hook 'em Horns (a shout-out to all our University of Texas fans)!

Finally we scampered down to the cave, which the park is named after. It was really cool to climb down several sets of stairs that led us under the ground.

We climbed back up from the cave and decided to drive next to Inks Lake State Park. We love exploring Texas state parks, and we had never been to Inks Lake. It was awesome! They have some great camping sites right next to the lake! We'll definitely have to camp there soon! We hiked around a little bit, and here I am on top of a granite rock cropping overlooking the lake.

What a great Saturday it was! We met Mom at Camp Buckner and sang her and the other grown-ups some songs. We got to explore the cool pond and creek they had, and we even did a little fishing for bass they had.

We drove home at sunset, and it was really beautiful, all green and with views to the horizon. We were talking about how you could describe the Texas Hill Country as God's Country!

Ok my friends I hope you have a great week at school! It's going to be another really fun week & weekend for me. In addition to school (you know I have to say how fun school is), I have scouts, a neighborhood party to look forward to on Friday, our first All Pro Dad's breakfast get-together on Saturday (my dad will be cooking pancakes and bacon!), church and flag football. I'm not sure what we're going to bbq yet, but I know it'll be great!

See you again soon!

Your friend,



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